Friday, August 13, 2010

Scariest Word I know

There is a word that we have let slip into our vocabulary that is a life-killer. It takes the motivation from us, it make us comfortable where we are and gives us false hope.
That word is, "someday".  
"someday, I will get my dream job"
"someday I am going to go talk to him/her"
"someday I am going to travel to there..."
Someday.  Someday... 
The thing is, someday never comes. We spend our life pursuing something that will likely never come, convincing ourselves that as long as we hold on to the dream of "someday" it will happen.

Life is to short to live on "someday".  Instead, why don't we live on today.
"Today, I will get my job"
"Today I will talk to him/her"
Today I will make reservations for my trip".

What are you waiting for? Make your "someday" into a "today."
Let me know what you have accomplished today...

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