The minister of music got up and started to lead us in chorus, it was hard to see him or even focus on the music as the elephant was right there in the midst of everything, but still my excitement was growing. The greeting was difficult to do, as many couldn't get to others with the elephant in the way. The offering came and a few people had a hard time giving with the elephant being there and in the way, but some managed.
Then the part I waited for was up, the Pastor got up to give the sermon, It was hard to see him with the elephant there, but I was not going to miss how he was going to use this prop....
The sermon ended and the prayer was said, an invitation was given, but not many came with the elephant up there blocking their way to the altar. The service ended, and people were getting up to leave and no one mentioned the elephant!
I couldn't believe it! As I stared at it, I noticed something, most people were oblivious to it. They just walked around it, side stepped it, or just plain ignored it like it wasn't even there.
How could they sit through an entire church service and not see the elephant in front of their faces. I touched one member on the arm and asked him about the elephant, he said, "oh, it's been there for years, most people just ignore it, hoping it will go away".
I asked him what about not being able to see the preacher or get to the altar and he just shrugged and said, most of us just don't think about it I guess. If you can't see, just get up and move, he suggested.
"But there is STILL an elephant in the church", I said. He just laughed and said, "what are you, the elephant man? Just let it go, in a few weeks, you'll hardly notice it."
But I do notice it and always will notice an elephant in my church. Why is it that so many members are scared to say that there is an elephant in the church, blocking their worship, their fellowship with the Pastor or other members of the church? Why doesn't anyone get up and remove the elephant? I guess no one wants to be called the "Elephant Man"....
But I will not rest until the elephant is gone, and my worship and fellowship is restored in my church.
Until then, call me the Elephant Man
So I guess I know what the elephant is for me in my church. It is always getting in my way when I am there to worship. It is such a distraction.
Now that you mentioned it, I'm kinda jealous. I've never seen an elephant in church. Now that you posted this everybody will want one.
I just say... you should politely ask her to move. If she is such an annoyance, people shouldnt be afraid to talk to her. Maybe suggest she enters the church using the 2 wide doors in the front so as not to cause any destruction to the single doors.
I'm sure it's not her fault, but it is what it is. I think she used to come to my church. I think her name was Bertha...
Nice thought. I would use some BIG words to describe my thoughts. But I decided against that. I didn't want you to have to look up some words you may not understand. Great blog. Keep it up.
PS I'm going to get a elephant.
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